Culture summary
essay 2001 Sharp, Henry S.

ChipewyansNorth America > Arctic and Subarctic
This is a culture summary of the Chipewyans....

The transformation of Bigfoot
Book 1988 Sharp, Henry S.

ChipewyansNorth America > Arctic and Subarctic
Sharp presents a microsociological study of power in interpersonal relations within a single kin group of Chipewyan Indians living in a bush camp in the Northwest Territories of Canada. This study is based primarily on the author's field work during ...

Giant fish, giant otters, and dinosaurs
article 1987 Sharp, Henry S.

ChipewyansNorth America > Arctic and Subarctic
In response to recent formulations of rationalism this paper investigates several nonexistent beings -- giant fish, giant otters, and dinosaurs -- in detail. From the analysis of the material presented in this paper Sharp concludes that explanation o...

Introducing the sororate to a northern Saskatchewan Chipewyan village
article 1975 Sharp, Henry S.

ChipewyansNorth America > Arctic and Subarctic
Lacking evidence to the contrary, anthropologists have assumed that essentially all Chipewyan groups had the same kinship system. Recent studies have shown that this is not necessarily true. This source describes variations in kinship terminology bet...

Shared experience and magical death
article 1986 Sharp, Henry S.

ChipewyansNorth America > Arctic and Subarctic
This source examines the pan-Chipewyan system of supernatural knowledge, power, and thought encompassed by the concept of INKOZE; a system, in the minds of the Chipewyan, closely allied to insanity. Here, the analysis of INKOZE is extended to a proph...

Memory, meaning, and imaginary time
article 1991 Sharp, Henry S.

ChipewyansNorth America > Arctic and Subarctic
This is an account of the events surrounding a scuffle that broke out between a white teacher and Chipewyan Indian, 'Charley,' in a northern Saskatchewan town. The teacher was attempting to breakup a fight between Charley and another Indian. The Prin...

Inverted sacrifice
essay 1994 Sharp, Henry S.

ChipewyansNorth America > Arctic and Subarctic
In this paper, Sharp examines Chipewyan hunting practices and beliefs as a form of 'inverted' sacrifice, in which the animal offers itself to the human hunter. The Chipewyans believe that a successful kill could only occur if an animal gives itself t...

The power of weakness
essay 1994 Sharp, Henry S.

ChipewyansNorth America > Arctic and Subarctic
In this paper, Sharp interprets the behavior surrounding a marital dispute in terms of gender complimentarity, rather than male dominance. The dispute is between a husband, who pours himself a drink, and his wife, who quickly runs to the home of her ...

Man : wolf : woman : dog
article 1976 Sharp, Henry S.

ChipewyansNorth America > Arctic and Subarctic
Using Levi-Strauss's structural analysis of myths to analyze non-mythical behavior, Sharp interprets the symbolism of dogs and wolves in Chipewyan thought. According to Sharp, dogs and wolves fall into the binary oppositions of culture:nature, male:f...

The Caribou-eater Chipewyan
article 1977 Sharp, Henry S.

ChipewyansNorth America > Arctic and Subarctic
In this paper, Sharp discusses the adjustments Chipewyan made in their subsistence strategies to accommodate the fur trade. He argues that in spite of these changes, the Chipewyan remained largely self-sufficient and politically autonomous....

The null case
essay 1981 Sharp, Henry S.

ChipewyansNorth America > Arctic and Subarctic
This article is part of a collective volume, 'Woman the Gatherer.' Here Sharp argues that Chipewyan women's low-status and 'oppression' is part of a symbolic system that enables the smooth operation of a system of production and allocation. Women are...

Dry meat and gender
essay 1991 Sharp, Henry S.

ChipewyansNorth America > Arctic and Subarctic
In this article, Sharp takes issue with the conventional depiction of hunter-gatherers in which Chipewyans are singled out for their lack of ritual, i.e., hunting magic. Sharp immediately discounts as an explanation the legacy of Catholicism and the ...

The Chipewyan hunting unit
article 1977 Sharp, Henry S.

ChipewyansNorth America > Arctic and Subarctic
In this paper, Sharp argues that the basic Chipewyan social unit is a restricted cognatic descent group, which he calls a 'hunting unit,' and not a composite band as classified by Steward and Service for Canadian Athapaskans; Nor is it a nuclear fami...